
AbstractThe spatiotemporal variability of terrestrial biospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes over South Asia has large uncertainty. The Orbiting Carbon Observatory 2 (OCO‐2) satellite provides much‐needed retrievals of column‐average CO2 on a global‐scale, with the highest sensitivity to surface CO2 fluxes and spatiotemporal resolution available to‐date. This study conducted global inverse model simulations, assimilating in situ (IS) data and OCO‐2 retrievals, to assess optimized CO2 net ecosystem exchange (NEE) fluxes for South Asia. Annual Net Biome Exchange (NBE = NEE + biomass burning) fluxes over South Asia were estimated to be near neutral (0.04 ± 0.14 PgC yr−1) using both IS and OCO‐2 observations. The most robust result found by assimilating OCO‐2 observations was the constraint imposed on the seasonal cycle of NBE fluxes. The amplitude of the seasonal cycle of NEE was found to be larger than previously assumed. The OCO‐2 inversion led to an NBE seasonal amplitude of 0.34 PgC month−1, which was larger compared to IS constrained NBE (0.19 PgC month−1) and MsTMIP ensemble mean NEE (0.16 PgC month−1). Moreover, OCO‐2 data imposed a phase shift in the NBE seasonal cycle predicted by the prior model. The larger magnitude of NEE seasonality, and phase shift, simulated when assimilating OCO‐2 observations are in general agreement with previous studies assimilating regional aircraft observations in addition to global IS observations. This result suggests that OCO‐2 provides valuable data that allows for the estimate of NBE on a regional scale in a similar manner as regional in situ aircraft networks.

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