
Foreword: Future Knowledge of Life in Oceans Past * Oceans Past: History Meets Marine Science * Invasive or Native? The Case History of the Common Periwinkle Snail (Littorina littorea) in Northeast North America * Social Conflict, Over-Fishing and Disease in the Florida Sponge Fishery, 1849-1939 * Quite the Choicest Protein Dish : The Costs of Consuming Seafood in American Restaurants, 1850-2006 * Baiting Our Memories: The Impact of Offshore Technology Change on Inshore Species Around Cape Cod, 1860-1895 * Mapping Historic Fishing Grounds in the Gulf of Maine and Northwest Atlantic Ocean * There She Blew! Yankee Sperm Whaling Grounds, 1760-1920 * Depletion within a Decade: The American 19th-Century North Pacific Right Whale Fishery * Sperm Whale Catches and Encounter Rates during the 19th and 20th Centuries: An Apparent Paradox * Understanding the Dynamics of Fisheries and Fish Populations: Historical Approaches from the 19th Century * A Political History of Maximum Sustained Yield, 1945-1955 * Afterword: Lost and Found in the Past * Index

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