
Ovarian dysgerminoma is a neoplasm that originates from primordial germ cells of the ovary. In human, this tumor may be associated with gonadal dysgenesis. In animal species, occurrence of dysgerminoma is uncommon. The present study described occurrence of bilateral dysgerminoma in a true hermaphroditism goat in Iran. Morphologically, a uterus, two uterine horns, and two gonadal structures at the end of the uterine horns were observed. The cervix was opened into a much distended vagina. Histopathologically, two gonads were composed of inactive seminiferous tubules with a row of Sertoli cells and rete testis, but the ovarian tissues including ovarian stroma and a few graafian follicles were seen only in the right gonad. On the left side, epididymis and fallopian tubes were located adjacent to the each other. Vasa deferentia were parallel with two uterine horns and located in the uterine mesentery on each side. Base on the histology findings of two gonads, true hermaphroditism was confirmed in this goat. In addition, both of the gonads showed characteristics of dysgerminoma tumor. Tumor cells arranged as sheet or nest pattern and were separated by delicate connective tissue septa. Neoplastic cells were large, round to polygonal with finely granular to eosinophilic cytoplasm and distinct cell border. Nuclei of tumor cells were spherical and had vesicular chromatin and often multiple nucleoli. Mitotic figures were frequent. Lymphocytic cells infiltrated in the stromal tumor.

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