
To examine respiratory and skin diseases that occur among workers exposed to metalworking fluids (MWFs) used during machining processes. Five cases of a severe and previously unrecognized lung disease characterized by B-cell bronchiolitis and alveolar ductitis with emphysema (BADE) were identified among workers at a machining facility that used MWFs, although MWF exposure could not be confirmed as the etiology. In the United Kingdom, MWF is now the predominant cause of occupational hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP). Under continuous conditions associated with respiratory disease outbreaks, over a working lifetime of 45 years, workers exposed to MWF at 0.1 mg/m3 are estimated to have a 45.3% risk of acquiring HP or occupational asthma under outbreak conditions and a 3.0% risk assuming outbreak conditions exist in 5% of MWF environments. In addition to respiratory outcomes, skin diseases such as allergic and irritant contact dermatitis persist as frequent causes of occupational disease following MWF exposure. Healthcare providers need to consider MWF exposure as a potential cause for work-related respiratory and skin diseases. Additional work is necessary to more definitively characterize any potential association between MWF exposures and BADE. Medical surveillance should be implemented for workers regularly exposed to MWF.

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