
Ensuring the safety of healthcare workers in interventional cardiology necessitates effective monitoring of occupational radiation exposure. This study aims to assess the accuracy of the over-apron single dosimetric approach compared with double dosimetric methods and explore the relationship between under-apron and over-apron doses. This investigation showed that the prescribed annual dose constraint of 20mSv year-1 was not exceeded by the maximum annual occupational doses determined by dosimetric algorithms, which were 0.13±0.02, 0.15±0.02 and 0.27±0.04mSv, respectively. The study demonstrated excellent statistically significant correlations among single and double dosimetric algorithms and between direct under-apron and over-apron doses. Consequently, single dosimetric algorithms could effectively estimate doses for double dosimetric algorithms, highlighting the limited added value of under-apron measurements. These findings significantly impact the practice of interventional cardiology in Sri Lanka, playing a crucial role in enhancing radiation protection measures.

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