
Kathryn Klingebiel, ‘Occitan Linguistic Bibliography for 2012’, Tenso, 29:173–208. See also YWMLS, 75:150–57. Aitor Carrera reports on ‘Activitats de la Catedra d’Estudis Occitans de la Universitat de Lleida’, ER, 36:437–38. Marie-Laure Savoye et al., *‘Sur les traces d’Edith Brayer: catalogue des manuscrits francais et occitans de la Bibliotheque Vaticane’, MEFR, 126.2, . The world of Occitan scholarship and literature has now lost Pierre Bec (1921–2014), memorialized by Francois Pic in and by David grosclaude, Anem! Occitans!, 149:4–5, . Further obituaries for Peter T. Ricketts (†7 May 2013) and Marti de Riquer (†17 September 2013) have appeared: for the former, by Walter Meliga in RLiR 78:303–6 and F. R. P. Akehurst in Tenso 29:231–44 (with substantial bibliography, 234–44); and for the latter, by Alberto Varvaro in MedRom, 37, 2013:432–35. Varvaro (1934–2014) was himself remembered in necrologies by Laura Minervini and giovanni Palumbo in RLiR, 78:607–17, and by Francisco Rico and Isabel de Riquer in El Pais (1 November 2014). Other losses noted in 2014: Moshe Lazar (†13 December 2012), remembered by Robert A. Taylor in Tenso, 29:225–30; James J. Wilhelm (†13 December 2012), with obituary by Janet A. Walker, Tenso, 29:219–24; and Marcelle D’Herde Heiliger (†1 March 2014). Yan Lespoux, ‘Un pilier meconnu de l’occitanisme: Pierre-Louis Berthaud (1899–1956)’, AIEO 10, 625–33, traces the crucial role played by this mentor of Robert Lafont in the Occitan movement between 1930–1960. Jean Thomas, ‘Fernand Barrue, entre gasconha e Lengadoc’, AIEO 10, 852–59, provides a portrait of a now-forgotten poet (1891–1956), author of three collections, who returned to using his native gascon in his late works—and whose poetry deserves a full edition. Id., ‘Paul Debar (1794–1853)’, Gardy Vol., 897–909, reviews the life and work of a poet who is cited 94 times in Mistral’s Tresor. Bernat Vernhieras, ‘Andrieu Lagarda, passaire de la lenga’, AIEO 10, 921–30, recaps the productive career and ‘obra considerabla’ of this militant Occitanist of the generation of 1945. R. Anthony Lodge, *‘Jacques-Louis Menetra and his experience of the langue d’oc’, pp. 210–17 of Norms and Usage in Language History, 1600–1900: A Sociolinguistic and Comparative Perspective, ed. gijsbert Rutten et al., Amsterdam, Benjamins, viii + 334 pp. Elena grinina and galina Romanova, ‘La imatge de l’occita a Russia’, AIEO 10, 954–57, present a brief overview, with specific attention to two works: Academia de Linguistica, La formacio de llengues romaniques literaries: el provencal/l’occita, 1991; and Tatiana Alisova and Camila Pluzhnikova, El provencal antic: La historia de l’Occitania medieval. La gramatica historica. Crestomatia, 2011.

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