
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) syndrome is increasingly common among middle aged and older adults and is frequently linked to most cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Sleep-disordered breathing and CVD share a number of common risk factors and comorbid conditions including obesity, male gender, advancing age, metabolic syndrome, and hypertension. OSA appears to be associated with worsened CVD outcomes, sleep-related symptoms, quality of life, and risk of motor vehicle accidents. Demonstrating a cause-and-effect relationship between CVD and OSA has been challenging due to shared comorbidities. Strong evidence demonstrating clinically significant benefit for OSA treatments on OSA-related CVD outcomes are limited. In this review, we evaluate potential pathophysiologic mechanisms that link OSA to CVD and focus on specific treatments for OSA, including positive airway pressure (PAP), dental devices, and surgeries with regard to OSA-related CVD outcomes.

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