
Abstract Observations on the mycoflora of green and senescent leaves of Loudetia simplex.—Leaves of Loudetia simplex, a common grass of the moist savannah of Ivory Coast, were collected at different growth stages at the end of the life cycle (December) and during the growing period of the plant (June). The study was carried out by indirect techniques, plating on PDA in Petri dishes aliquots of a suspension 1:1000 (fresh weight/volume) of ground leaves. The isolates belong mainly to Fungi Imperfecti; the distribution of the Fungi includes 20 Moniliaceae, 13 Dematiaceae, 15 Tuberculariaceae, 4 Melanconiales, 9 Sphaeropsidales, 1 Ascomycetes and a number of sterile hyphae, mainly with dark mycelium. Most of the isolates are commonly recorded on leaves (Cephalosporium acremonium group, Cladosporium cladosporioides, Fusarium spp., Monodictys, Phoma). Also present Nigrospora sphaerica, which seems a typical phyllosphere inhabitant in tropical regions. Even if the data correspond only to two sampling periods the...

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