
Isoprene is the most abundant precursor of global secondary organic aerosol (SOA). The epoxide pathway plays a critical role in isoprene SOA (iSOA) formation, in which isoprene epoxydiols (IEPOX) and/or hydroxymethyl-methyl-α-lactone (HMML) can react with nucleophilic sulfate and water producing isoprene-derived organosulfates (iOSs) and oxygen-containing tracers (iOTs), respectively. This process is complicated and highly influenced by anthropogenic emissions, especially in the polluted urban atmospheres. In this study, we took a 1-year measurement of the paired iOSs and iOTs formed through the IEPOX and HMML pathways at the three urban sites from northern to southern China. The annual average concentrations of iSOA products at the three sites ranged from 14.6 to 36.5 ng m-3. We found that the nucleophilic-addition reaction of isoprene epoxides with water dominated over that with sulfate in the polluted urban air. A simple set of reaction rate constant could not fully describe iOS and iOT formation everywhere. We also found that the IEPOX pathway was dominant over the HMML pathway over urban regions. Using the kinetic data of IEPOX to estimate the reaction parameters of HMML will cause significant underestimation in the importance of HMML pathway. All these findings provide insights into iSOA formation over polluted areas.

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