
Birds are significant members of many ecosystems. They play a vital role incontrolling pests, acting as pollinators, and maintaining ecology while reptiles are important both aspredator and prey species. This study was conducted in Taya - Basonda - Al galabat National Park in March and December 2019, Gedaref state - Sudan. It aims to identify reptiles and birds and determine their diversity and richness in Taya - Basonda - Al galabat National Park.The direct count method and inventory were used to count birds and reptiles through observations across the park in March and December. Identification tools were used. The result revealed that, Seventy-two birds and sixteen reptiles species belonging to 35 and 9 families respectively were observed and identified out of 2915 and 1025 bird’s individuals in December and March respectively, and 290 and 155 reptile’s individuals in December and March respectively. The highest richness of birds was recorded in December (69 species) while in March (44 species), and highest number of reptiles recorded in December (16 species) compared to 11 species in March. The highest Shannon diversity index (H') was reported in Taya (3.23) in March compared to Basonda and Al galabat. The park faces major threats such as human settlement, expansion of agricultural schemes, hunting, fishing, grazing of livestock and fire. The study recommended preservation of natural habitat for birds in particular and wildlife in general by stopping all human activities in the park and setting laws and firm enforcement against violators.

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