
Splitting of spectral lines is generally associated with corresponding splitting of appropriate energy levels. However, here we report our observation of the splittings of hyperfine lines in the time-resolved EPR spectrum of a stable free radical that participates in the quenching of an excited molecule. The observed splitting does not arise from any splitting of the energy levels of the radical, nor due to Torrey oscillations but is a culmination of a detailed interplay of photophysical and magnetic resonance dynamics of the quenching process. In particular, sequential quenching of an excited singlet and triplet states by the free radical, generation of opposite electron spin polarization, and time-dependent EPR line width evolving according to the Bloch equations contribute to the appearance of unusual lineshapes of the observed EPR spectrum. This effect is sufficiently general and should always be observable in the time-resolved EPR experiments on free radicals involved in photophysical quenching of excited molecules. We also point out that this effect cannot be seen in Fourier transform EPR spectroscopy.

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