
a Pesquisador do CNPq. IN VITRO EVALUATION OF THE ACTION OF THE NEMATOPHAGOUS FUNGI Duddingtonia flagrans, Monacrosporium thaumasium AND Pochonia chlamydosporia ON Eurytrema coelomaticum EGGS The present study assessed in vitro action of nematophagous fungi species Duddingtonia flagrans (AC 001), Monacrosporium thaumasium (NF 34) and Pochonia chlamydosporia (VC1 and VC4) on eggs of Eurytrema coelomaticum. Eggs were placed on Petri dishes with fungus isolate grown in water- agar 2% and in the control (no fungus). After seven, 10 and 14 days, the eggs were removed and classified according to the following parameters: type 1, lytic effect without morphological damage to eggshell; type 2, lytic effect with morphological alteration of embryo and eggshell; and type 3, lytic effect with morphological alteration of embryo and eggshell, besides hyphal penetration and internal egg colonization. The isolate AC001 and NF34 had not demonstrated percentages to type 3 effects, however isolated VC1 presented results percentages for the type 3 effect that it determines the ovicida activity of one fungus: 27.2% to the seven days, 23.1% to the 10 days and 25.0% to the 14 days. The isolated VC4 presented: 15.0% to the seven days, 25.4% to the 10 days and, 21.8% to the 14 days. P. chlamydosporia is a promising fungus can be used in the biological control of E. coelomaticum.

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