
The Image of Rural Community Preserved in the Names of Sons and Daughters. Tradition and Change (Based on the Villages of the Dukla Region in the Low Beskids)
 The goals of the present article are to reconstruct the linguistic image of the rural community of the Dukla region, preserved in the names of sons and daughters living in the 20th and 21st centuries; as well as to present the direction and rate of changes that take place in this dialect in the formation of analysed anthroponyms. The analysis of the material reveals a dynamic image of the rural community which undergoes significant changes in consequent generations. The names of descendants from the beginning of the 20th century preserved the image of a traditional village that kept true to the fathers’ traditions. The names of further generations of sons and daughters expose a community which, gradually but visibly, loses its language and culture. This refers also to the descendants’ names created with word formation that were consistently removed from the analysed dialect at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. As a result, the next generations will probably use the syntactic structure: name + preposition od ‘to’ + gen. sg. of the personal name.

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