
In The Mathematics Teacher for November, 1925 I published an article on “Objectives in the Teaching of Mathematics,” a large part of which was a list of specific objectives in elementary algebra. In the March 1927 issue of the same magazine I published a list of objectives to be attained in teaching intermediate algebra. In the preparation of these lists I had the assistance of a large number of my students in Teachers College who are mature teachers of experience. The objectives therein presented have furnished many groups with basic lists of aims which have been used in preparing new courses of study in various parts of the country. In the last two years I have also prepared, with the help of my students a list of objectives to be obtained in the teaching of demonstrative geometry. As was the case with the other two lists, this new group of objectives is not intended to be final, but tentative. We are willing to present them to the readers of The Mathematics Teacher because we hope that in this way they will be discussed and some more definite aims established in the teaching of geometry.

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