
Since the last meeting of the Society we have lost one of the most distinguished of our Honorary Fellows. Principal Forbes died on the 31st of last month. The removal of such a man ought not to be allowed to pass without some tribute to his memory, or some outline, however imperfect, of what he accomplished. It is customary to reserve the notices of deceased Fellows until the beginning of the succeeding session. But on the present occasion we are justified, I believe, in departing from the usual rule. Before proceeding to the ordinary business of the evening, the Society will, I am sure, agree with me in thinking it at once a duty and a privilege to linger for a little over the life and work of our departed associate. James David Forbes, born at 86 George Street, Edinburgh, on the 20th of April 1809, was the son of Sir William Forbes of Pitsligo and Williamina, only child of Sir John Steuart of Fettercairn. His mother, who at the time of his birth was suffering from an advanced state of consumption, was removed, along with her son, in the autumn of the same year, to the south of England, where she died the year after. The nature of her illness gave Sir William much anxiety for the health of his infant son. The boy was brought back to Scotland, and, as he grew out of infancy, his delicate frame and the quick intelligence which he early began to show

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