
THE third California meeting was held June 19-24, 1939, at Berkeley and San Francisco. Headquarters were at the Hotel Durant in Berkeley and most of the business sessions were held there. The public sessions were held in the Life Sciences Building, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, of the University of California, on Tuesday and Wednesday, and in the Simpson African Hall of the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco on Thursday. Businee ese8ion.-The meetings on Monday, June 19, included two sessions of the Council, a meeting of the Fellows at 4 p. m. and a meeting of the Fellows and Members at 8p. m. The evening business session was attended by 12 Fellows and 17 Members. There were elected two Fellows, one Honorary Fellow, two Corresponding Fellows, seven Members and 499 Associates. On November 1, 1939, vacancies in the various membership classes were as follows: Fellows, 2; Honorary Fellows, 2; Corresponding Fellows, 13; Members, 23. The Treasurer's preliminary report was accepted and the meeting authorized the Finance Committee (acting without the Treasurer) to review and approve the final audited report which would be available at the end of the current fiscal year (September 30). This final report (approved October 25, 1939) appears farther on. The Treasurer stated that corresponding expenses were 25% lower than during the previous year, and that various economy and efficiency measures promised eventually to give the A. 0. U. a balanced budget. The Trustees' Report showed that the endowment funds were in good condition. The Secretary's report indicated that on June 1, 1939, the paid-up members of the Union were as follows: Associates, 1,323; Members, 113; Fellows, 47; Associates-elect, 54,-total 1,537. In addition there were 167 subscribers and 164 delinquent members of all classes. Fourteen resignations had been accepted during the year. Roll-call was held for the 22 members deceased since the last meeting: 4 Fellows, 1 Fellow Emeritus, 2 Honorary Fellows, 2 Members and 13 Associates. Dr. Herbert Friedmann retired after a two-year term as President and was replaced by Dr. James P. Chapin. The vacancy thus created in the Vice-presidency was filled by the election of George Willett. The retiring members of the Council (Dr. Arthur A. Allen, Dr. Wilfred H. Osgood, and Dr. J. Van Tyne) were replaced for three-year terms by P. A. Taverner,

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