
Purpose If the event occurs with energy released from a nuclear chain reaction or from the decay of the products of a chain reaction (nuclear explosions etc.) then the event is called a nuclear event/emergency (5). There is no nuclear explosion in radiological events (5). Methods and results Goals of emergency response: • Regain control of the situation and mitigate consequences • Save Lives • Avoid or minimize severe deterministic effects • Render first aid, provide critical medical treatment and manage treatment of radiation injuries • Reduce the risk of stochastic effects • Keep the public informed and maintain public trust • Mitigate, to the extent practicable, property and the environment • Prepare, to the extent practicable, for the resumption of normal social and economic activity (5,11). Patient contamination measurement: • Priority is the treatment of the patient. • Measurements can be taken during patient treatment. • Measurement Order: • Wounds • Face/ body cavities • Skin • Measurements are recorded. • Measurements are repeated (same distance). • All areas of the patient are measured (sides and back). Conclusions On May 23–27, 2016, at the meeting held with the participation of medical physicits from 19 different countries specialized in radiotherapy or nuclear medicine fields, it is emphasized that the key role belongs to medical physicists or who have similar education to direct radiological and nuclear emergency situations, direct the distinction according to the level of contamination of accident victims, direct physicians and nurses in the emergency response team and assist the countries in emergency response plans. There are approximately 20000 medical physicists around the world and these are people with similar and rapidly educated potentials for adapting quickly to emergencies and are expected to provide support to neighboring countries as well, not only in their own country. Medical Physicists are available to assist in developing radiological emergency response plans and in taking the appropriate actions. Medical physicists play key roles as Radiological Assessor on the scene, supporting multiple on-site teams including decontamination teams.

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