
Purpose:The symptoms seen in Gridhrasi can be well correlated with “Sciatica” in modern terminology. Moreover, the modern treatment of sciatica is not very satisfactory and includes use of analgesics and few surgical procedures which is often associated with many adverse effects Among the Panchakarma therapy; Kati Basti is reliable to control the disease. Hence an attempt is made to compare the effect of Kati Basti with Sahacharadi Taila and Maha Narayana Taila in the management of GridhrasiMethod:It was an open clinical study with a pre and post design, for the duration of 14days for both Kati Basti groups 90 patients, fulfilling the inclusion and diagnostic criteria, were selected and randomly divided into 2 groups with 45 patients in each group. In Group A, Kati Basti with Sahacharadi Taila was administered daily during the trial period while In Group B, Kati Basti with Maha Narayana Taila was administered daily.Result:•Kati basti with Maha Narayan Taila group and Kati basti with Sahacharadi Taila group showed almost same percentage relief in all assessment parameters.•Both group showed higest percentage relief in the Functional ability while no relief in the Aruchi •Kati basti with Sahacharadi Taila is more effective to control Kapha dominance symptoms like Stambha, Graha, Gaurava and Tandra and also on walking distance and magnitude of Pain•Kati basti with Maha Narayan Taila group is more effective to control vata dominance symptoms like Ruk, Toda, Numbness, Burning Sensation and Muhuspandana and also on the Functional ability, Sakthikshepanigraha and the functional disability.Conclusion:Kati basti with Sahacharadi Taila and with Maha Narayan Taila is almost equally effective in the management of Gridhrasi but Kati basti with Sahacharadi Taila is more effective to control Kapha dominance symptoms while Kati basti with Maha Narayan Taila group is more effective to control vata dominance symptoms.

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