
Purpose: Modern medicine is rapidly developing medications that provide instant relief from symptoms, but the hazards of beta agonists, toxicity of xanthenes and complications of corticosteroids prompt the search for alternative modalities in the management of bronchial asthma. The present work evaluates easily available, inexpensive and non-controversial herbal drugs as well as Pranayama in the management of bronchial asthma. Method: For this clinical study 60 patients have been divided into 3 groups. 1st Group was treated with trial drug and 2nd Group with standard drug. The 3rd Group was treated with trial drug and Pranayama. All the groups have equal number of patients -i.e. 20 each.The short-listed patients were diagnosed on the basis of a detailed questionnaire including the history, clinical examination as well as laboratory investigations. The diagnosis was further confirmed using spirometer. Diagnosis has been made according to bronchial reversibility test i.e. 15% increase in FEV1 after 15 minutes of two puffs of a adrenergic agonist. Subjective as well as objective parameters were adopted for assessing the response of trial drugs graded in to 0, 1, 2, and 3. Patients were advised to practice the anulom vilom pranayama BD, 10m. Result: Results were discussed on basis of % improvement, standard deviation, p value, p value for eg. N BT, AT, % imp, S.D., t, p, result, - Group III, 18, 2.05, 1.33, 35.12, 0.46, 6.65< 0.001 HS Conclusion: Group I & III shows significant improvement in clinical symptoms whereas Group III patients also showed marked improvement in PULMONARY FUNCTION TESTS (FEV1, FVC, PEFR). It was observed that anulom vilom pranayama has a definite additive effect with standard drug therapy in the treatment of Tamak swasa (bronchial asthma) as shown by the subjective and objective assessment.

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