
Purpose: XRPD is an analytical technique for phase identification of materials. It determines the difference in the phase presentation as the process goes on progressing and changing. This technique was used in analysis of Samanya Shodhit, Samanya Shodhanottar Vishesh Shodhit and Vishesh Shodhit Tamra. Method: Samanya Shodhana and Vishesh Shodhana of Tamra was performed as described in RasaTarangini. (Tarang15). XRPD was done in PANalytical X'Pert PRO Diffractometer with secondary beam graphite monochromator selecting the Cu anode material. Four samples were prepared and analysed viz. Sample a - Ashodhit Tamra, Sample B -Samanya Shodhit Tamra, Sample C - Samanya Shodhanottara Vishesh Shodhit Tamra, Sample D - Vishesh Shodhit Tamra. Result: The XRPD of all the samples of Shodhita Tamra showed presence of copper and copper oxides in them. However, the peak positions and intensities were varying. Some new unidentifiable peaks were noticed. In all the samples, Cu was present in major or minor phase. Only Sample B showed presence of both CuO and Cu2O in it. Other Shodhit samples only contained Cu2O and Cu. Conclusion: Presence of CuO in only Samany Shodhit Tamra suggested its larger particle size. As, it was subjected to Vishesh Shodhana, it got converted to thermodynamically more stable Cu2O and lesser particle size. Though Sample C & D had copper oxide in major phases, they exhibited different XRPD pattern. This may indicate multiple crystal forms or polymorphism of copper compounds. Thus, XRPD is a crucial analytical tool to show that the structural and chemical transformation of metal into metal compounds started from the step of Shodhana itself. Furthermore, presences of metallic copper in all the samples denoted their partial conversion and evident need of Marana.

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