
The present paper aims to describe, date and localize the Akathistos Hymn found in an unknown Romanian manuscript preserved at Muzeul Olteniei (Craiova): Rom MS I 529. The codex contains the Psalter (accompanied by the Odes), the Akathistos Hymn, the Paraklesis to Theotokos and the Holy Apostle. These texts were copied by father Theofil, the scribe of the manuscript. These works are important due to two outstanding reasons: they contain Slavic passages and multiple translation variants inserted inside the text using numbers or other graphic devices. Both of these features can be found in the manuscripts produced in Bisericani Monastery (Moldova) in the first part of the 17 th century. As a consequence, the codex transcribed by Teofil was analysed in the context of the production of the scriptorium from Bisericani. Teofil must have been part of the Moldavian monastic community and his manuscript must have been copied there. Textual, contextual, linguistic, philological and palaeographical evidence are given in this sense. The study of the watermarks (Torch with letters HSE, unicorn encircled by letters, Allmodpappier, horn and the ligature 4AD), their types and subtypes, brought to light the fact that the Romanian manuscript was copied between 1680-1690. The philological comparison between the Biblical and Marian texts from these manuscripts and the oldest ones from Bisericani (Rom MS BAR 540 and 170) stressed the link between the former and the latter. On top of that, the comparison offered new insight into how the multiple translation variants were more or less preserved, hinting to an early contamination between different manuscripts. 3 The Slavic passages (mostly headings and initial lines) preserved in the Romanian texts were studied as a mnemonic device used by the monks from Bisericani Monastery who, according to the liturgic program of the community, were used to chanting the Akathistos Hymn in Slavonic.

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