
This study presents an investigation about the university teachers’ practices regarding the theme learning’s assessment. The Problematization Methodology was used, through the Arch of Maguerez, consisting on five stages: Observation of the Reality and the problem’s definition, Key-points to study, Theorization, Hypotheses of Solution and Application to the Reality. As observation of the reality, teachers of the fundamental and medium teaching were interviewed and took place a ransom of memory of the practical lived evaluation by the authors. The defined problem was “What is specific in the learning’s assessment in the case of Higher Education”? There was pointed four Key-points: The objectives intended in the Higher Education according to the literature; Assessment modalities existent in the literature; The exigency of the Higher Education as to assessment; The practiced assessment in the UEL. For the theorization, the literature revision was used, analysis of interviews with UEL educational and the analysis of the institution official documents. It was ended that the more specific practical evaluation exercised Higher Education are: publication of articles, participation in projects, seminars and field works. In the solution hypotheses, the publication and popularization of the research were consisted. As Application of the research, the author’s commitment is to diffuse and use the results in its own professional performance

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