
Tensions between the West and Russia, closely linked to the Ukrainian crisis,Tensions between the West and Russia, closely linked to the Ukrainian crisis,have further fuelled discussions on mutual cooperation between theEuropean Union and the North Atlantic Alliance in the area of defence. TheEuropean Union is the political and economic power base for the security anddefence of the European continent, as it is primarily its Member States thatset the overall strategy for European foreign and defence policy. On the otherhand, the member states of the Union, whether they are or not also membersof the Alliance, lag behind their alliance partners, especially the UnitedStates, in military capabilities and capacities. Therefore, through someEuropean Union initiatives, they are now seeking to build more militarycapabilities and capacities, thus strengthening not only the level of Europeandefence and security, but also the possibility of the Union's strategicautonomy. Therefore, the author uses relevant methods of scientific researchin this article to discuss the possibilities of European strategic autonomy andthe future of the European Union in the Alliance.

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