
On liczyć się z każdym groszem ‘to count every penny’ in the context of limiting lexical units
 The article discusses the status of the string liczyć się z każdym groszem ‘to spend money carefully, to count every penny’, lit. ‘to reckon with every penny’. The authors quote numerous instances from the Polish corpus, and claim that the formal and functional features of this expression indicate that its status is different from what can be gathered from dictionaries of Polish where it is treated as a variant of the multiword expression liczyć się z groszem. Opposing this claim, we indicate another meaning of the linguistic unit liczyć się z czymś, one not noted in dictionaries: ‘to dispose of something carefully’; accordingly, the strings liczyć się z groszem and liczyć się z każdym groszem are treated as instantiations of this unit.

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