
EnglishThe linguistic border in Marvao / Valencia de Alcantara does not correspond to the geopolitical border between Portugal and Spain. This is explained by the fact that a Portuguese linguistic variety used in the Northeast part of Alentejo expanded to Spain and characterizes a large region in Valencia de Alcantara. The variety of Marvao / Valencia de Alcantara belongs to the Southern Centre Portuguese dialects (Beira Baixa and Alto Alentejo), and therefore shares their main characteristics. However, it differs from the varieties spoken in the surrounding villages due to some particularities at both phonetical-phonological and lexical-semantic levels. As this linguistic variety is vulnerable in Portugal and it is seriously endangered in the Spanish territory, it is urgent to implement some measures to reverse the situation and contribute to its revitalization. This paper aims to describe the linguistic situation of the region, to present the main phonetical-phonological, morphosyntactic and lexical-semantic features of this border dialect, and to show some possible strategies to reverse the disappearance trend that the variety of Marvao/Valencia de Alcantara is facing.The linguistic border in Marvao / Valencia de Alcantara does not correspond to the geopolitical border between Portugal and Spain. This is explained by the fact that a Portuguese linguistic variety used in the Northeast part of Alentejo expanded to Spain and characterizes a large region in Valencia de Alcantara. The variety of Marvao / Valencia de Alcantara belongs to the Southern Centre Portuguese dialects (Beira Baixa and Alto Alentejo), and therefore shares their main characteristics. However, it differs from the varieties spoken in the surrounding villages due to some particularities at both phonetical-phonological and lexical-semantic levels. As this linguistic variety is vulnerable in Portugal and it is seriously endangered in the Spanish territory, it is urgent to implement some measures to reverse the situation and contribute to its revitalization. This paper aims to describe the linguistic situation of the region, to present the main phonetical-phonological, morphosyntactic and lexical-semantic features of this border dialect, and to show some possible strategies to reverse the disappearance trend that the variety of Marvao/Valencia de Alcantara is facing. portuguesNa regiao de Marvao / Valencia de Alcantara, a fronteira linguistica nao corresponde a geopolitica, dai que uma variedade do Portugues usada no Nordeste do Alentejo se tenha expandido para Espanha e caracterizado uma zona consideravel do territorio de Valencia de Alcantara. Integrado nos dialetos portugueses centro-meridionais, na variedade da Beira Baixa e Alto Alentejo, partilha a maior parte das suas caracteristicas, todavia, demarca-se dos falares dos concelhos circundantes por algumas particularidades nos dominios fonetico-fonologico e lexico-semântico. Como esta variedade linguistica se encontra vulneravel em territorio portugues e esta seriamente em perigo em territorio espanhol, e urgente que se deem passos concretos com vista a sua revitalizacao. O presente artigo pretende dar a conhecer o panorama linguistico da regiao, apresentar as principais caracteristicas fonetico-fonologicas, morfossintaticas e lexico-semânticas deste falar raiano, bem como apontar alguns caminhos para inverter a tendencia de desaparecimento.

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