
The purpose of this study was to investigate how the school performs the mediation of literary reading in the 5th year of elementary school, aiming at the student’s training as a reader. For this, the research was developed from a bibliographical and field study supported by the qualitative approach, using elements such as observations and records of class in order to understand the object investigated. Through the bibliographical study, we sought to understand the theme, starting from theories of specialists in teaching literary reading in elementary school. The field research was carried out in a public institution located in Cambe – Parana, where we sought to understand how the institution oriented the work with children’s literature through the teacher mediation aiming at the student’s training as a reader in the 5th year of elementary school. The importance of children’s literature for the development of the child was evidenced, since it contributes to the acquisition of socio-cultural knowledge. It is also worth noting that the school as an institution responsible for teaching Reading literacy and reading training must have commitment and adequate physical and human structure to carry out, by means of the teaching work, the Mediation of this learning.

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