
The objective of this article was to make a brief analysis of the liability of legal entities and the conclusion of a leniency agreement in the Brazilian context of the anticorruption law (Law n. 12,846/2013) and its recently updated regulatory decree (Decree n. 11,129/2022). The methodology used was documentary research, the analysis of legal documents, normative text and scientific articles. Therefore, in the first section, the normative and regulatory text was analyzed. In the second, the theme involving the practice of corruption tend the use of legal entities was deepened. In the third and final section, the leniency agreement in the anticorruption law was analyzed, highlighting its conclusion, effects and vulnerabilities. At the end, a brief conclusion was drawn up in which it pointed towards the need for an intensification of inspection by the authorities so that legal entities realize that the search for a leniency agreement is the only and best way out and that acting and acting in conformity is better for the State, for society and for the exercise of business activity, corruption has a price and it is paid by everyone.

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