
The article is devoted to the consideration of the issue of participation of immigrants from the countries of the Central Asian region in terrorist activities both in Russia and in the whole world. In particular, information about the organizers and perpetrators of some terrorist acts committed in recent years in Europe, the United States and Russia was studied. It was made an attempt to analyze the current situation and identify the main reasons that contribute to the involvement of immigrants from Central Asia in terrorist activities. The main factors inherent in terrorists – immigrants from the environment of migrants, which are used by recruiters of international terrorist organizations to involve them in criminal activities, are revealed. The features of migrants residing in the territory of Russia, which contribute to the active involvement of international terrorist organizations of immigrants from the Central Asian region to commit terrorist acts and other crimes of a terrorist nature, are determined. The study revealed the fundamental directions of anti-terrorist activities in Russia in the sphere of countering the terrorist threat emanating from Central Asia. Special attention is paid to the prevention of terrorism among migrant workers, the participation in this activity of representatives of the employer, public and religious organizations, national communities.

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