
Aim. To study new varieties of potatoes according to the parameters of ecological plasticity, stability, ultrastability and breeding value under changing abiotic factors of the environment in the conditions of the central Polissya of Ukraine. Methods. Field and laboratory, breeding and statistical. Results. Potato varieties that combine a high genotypic potential and a stable manifestation of yield level and are better under a complex of unfavourable conditions, as well as with a positive reaction to the improvement of growing conditions, have been identified. It was established that in the years of research favourable for the hydrothermal coefficient, the highest yield was observed among potato varieties of different ripeness groups: early ripening – Bazaliia, Opillia and Radomysl; middle early – Fanatka, Mezhyrichka 11 and Sontsedar; mid ripening: – Avanhard, Rostavytsia, Volodarka and Alians. In less favorable years, the highest yield was characterized by the following potato varieties: early – Opillia, Radomysl and Bazaliia; middle early – Fanatka; mid ripening – Alians and Volodarka. It was established that the following potato varieties showed the most stable ecological plasticity when the external growing conditions changed (the smallest value of σd2): Tyras, Sontsedar, Radomysl, Fanatka, Lietana, Bazhana and Avanhard. A high value of the σd2 indicator is characterized by: Alians, Volodarka and Rostavytsia. According to the results of the evaluation of the parameters of ecological plasticity (bі) and stability (σd2), potato varieties are divided into six groups, according to their reaction to the growing conditions at the place of research. The most valuable for productivity breeding are the following potato varieties: Tyras, Radomysl, Sontsedar, Avanhard and Vzirets. It was established that the highest average productivity during the years of research was characterized by the following potato varieties: Volodarka, Sontsedar, Fanatka, Opillia and Radomysl. It was established that the highest numerical index of ultrastability and the lowest value of σ in potato genotypes up to the average of the corresponding ripeness group were shown by: Opillia, Radomysl, Bazhana and Fanatka. Significant variability and low ultrastability were found in potato varieties: early – Tyras and Vzirets; middle early – Mezhyrichka 11 and Sontsedar; mid ripening – Rostavytsia and Alians. Conclusion. Genotypes with the highest value of average yield, ultrastability and breeding value were identified among early ripening varieties: Opillia and Radomysl; middle early: Fanatka and Sontsedar; mid ripening – Avanhard, Alians and Volodarka. We recommend these promising varieties to producers of various forms of ownership for cultivation in the conditions of the central Polissya of Ukraine.

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