Interest in management of native warm-season grasses for multiple uses is growing in southeastern USA. Forage quality response of early-succession mixed stands of big bluestem (BB, Andropogon gerardii), indiangrass (IG, Sorghastrum nutans), and little bluestem (SG, Schizachyrium scoparium) to harvest intervals (30-, 40-, 60-, 90 or 120-d) and durations (one or two years) were assessed in crop-field buffers. Over three years, phased harvestings were initiated in May, on sets of randomized plots, ≥90 cm apart, in five replications (blocks) to produce one-, two-, and three-year-old stands, by the third year. Whole-plot regrowths were machine-harvested after collecting species (IG and LB) sample tillers for leafiness estimates. Species-specific leaf area (SLA) and leaf-to-stem ratio (LSR) were greater for early-season harvests and shorter intervals. In a similar pattern, whole-plot crude protein concentrations were greatest for the 30-d (74 g·kg−1 DM) and the least (40 g·kg−1 DM) for the 120-d interval. Corresponding neutral detergent fiber (NDF) values were the lowest (620 g·kg−1 DM) and highest (710 g·kg−1 DM), respectively. In vitro dry matter and NDF digestibility were greater for early-season harvests at shorter intervals (63 and 720 g·kg−1 DM). With strategic harvesting, similar stands may produce quality hay for beef cattle weight gain.
In the southeastern USA, frequent summer forage shortages have aroused a growing interest in native warm-season grasses (NWSG) as alternative forage resources [1]
To determine harvest interval effects on forage nutritive value, mean concentrations of crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), and acid detergent lignin (ADL) in whole-plot forage samples were compared by harvest interval, harvest date, and number of years in production
Forage nutritive value assessment by CP concentration in dry matter (DM) was based on the recommended minimum of 70 g·kg−1 DM for beef cattle [16]
In the southeastern USA, frequent summer forage shortages have aroused a growing interest in native warm-season grasses (NWSG) as alternative forage resources [1]. Most NWSGs are considered valuable summer forage resournces for ruminants [3,4] since they can grow well at elevated temperatures to produce digestible biomass [4] Their nutritive value changes with defoliation management [5] and information on NWSGs in mixed stands is scarce. Other indicators of forage nutritive value are types and concentration of: neutral detergent fiber (NDF)—containing hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin—acid detergent fiber (ADF)—with its high levels of cellulose and lignin—and acid detergent lignin (ADL)—lignin—which is an indigestible herbage component [7] Together, they affect total forage dry matter (DM) intake and digestibility [8,9]. Dominated by BB, IG, and LB in terms of chemical composition, in vitro digestibility, and species morphological components
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