
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is the primary endocrine disorder whose cause remains unidentified but is widely prevalent. This intricate condition affects a significant portion of women of reproductive age, affecting approximately 17.8% of them. While dietary approaches have been explored as the initial method of treatment for individuals with PCOS, there is no definitive consensus on the most effective diet. There is limited evidence to recommend a specific diet composition for PCOS with approaches including modifying protein, carbohydrate or fat quality or quantity generally having similar effects on the presentations of PCOS. It is crucial to recognize that maintaining a proper diet and ensuring sufficient nutritional status are pivotal factors in preventing the development of PCOS. In this comprehensive review, we explored various aspects of PCOS, ranging from its molecular pathogenesis to therapeutic dietary innovations and specific therapeutic interventions. Understanding the molecular pathogenesis of PCOS is vital, and we delve into the intricate mechanisms involved in its development. We examined the interplay between PCOS and metabolic conditions, such as insulin resistance and dyslipidemia, highlighting the interconnectedness of these aspects and their impact on the clinical presentation and management of the syndrome. While the optimal diet remains a subject of ongoing research, we emphasize on the critical role of proper diet and its potential in the avoidance and management of PCOS. Additionally, we reviewed specific dietary components, such as curcumin and green tea, and their potential therapeutic benefits in PCOS management.

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