
AbstractUnderstanding interactions between nutrient cycles is essential for recognizing and remediating human impacts on water quality, yet multielemental approaches to studying nutrient cycling in streams are currently rare. Here we utilized a relatively new approach (tracer additions for spiraling curve characterization) to examine uptake dynamics for three essential nutrients across a landscape that varied in absolute and relative nutrient availability. We measured nutrient uptake for soluble reactive phosphorous, ammonium‐nitrogen, and nitrate‐nitrogen in 16 headwater streams in the Catskill Mountains, New York. Across the landscape, ammonium‐nitrogen and soluble reactive phosphorus had shorter uptake lengths and higher uptake velocities than nitrate‐nitrogen. Ammonium‐nitrogen and soluble reactive phosphorus uptake velocities were tightly correlated, and the slope of the relationship did not differ from one, suggesting strong demand for both nutrients despite the high ambient water column dissolved inorganic nitrogen: soluble reactive phosphorus ratios. Ammonium‐nitrogen appeared to be the preferred form of nitrogen despite much higher nitrate‐nitrogen concentrations. The uptake rate of nitrate‐nitrogen was positively correlated with ambient soluble reactive phosphorus concentration and soluble reactive phosphorus areal uptake rate, suggesting that higher soluble reactive phosphorus concentrations alleviate phosphorus limitation and facilitate nitrate‐nitrogen uptake. In addition, these streams retained a large proportion of soluble reactive phosphorus, ammonium‐nitrogen, and nitrate‐nitrogen supplied by the watershed, demonstrating that these streams are important landscape filters for nutrients. Together, these results (1) indicated phosphorus limitation across the landscape but similarly high demand for ammonium‐nitrogen and (2) suggested that nitrate‐nitrogen uptake was influenced by variability in soluble reactive phosphorus availability and preference for ammonium‐nitrogen.

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