
A study had been conducted to find out nutrient digestion and body weight gain of Balinese cows getting a basic ration of spear grass and Rosewood leaves supplemented with Falcata tree leaves. The study was using complete randomized block design with 4 ration treatments and 3 times repetition. Each repetition was using three Balinese cows. The weights of cows being used were in the range of 83-181 kg. Basic ration being given was arranged based on the percentage of dry ingredients namely: 80% of spear grass + 20% of rosewood leaves (A), 80% of spear grass + 20% of rosewood leaves + 10% of falcata tree leaves (B), 80% of spear grass + 20% of rosewood leaves + 15% of falcata tree leaves (C), and 80% of spear grass + 20% of rosewood leaves + 20% of falcata tree leaves (D), The variables being measured were: nutrient digestion and body weight gain. The result of the study showed that with the administration of 20% falcata tree leaves in the basic ration, it differed significantly (P<0.05) in increasing nutrient digestion and daily weight gain. The result of the study concluded that with the administration of falcata tree leaves in the basic ration of spear grass and rosewood leaves capable to increase nutrient digestion so that bacteria would optimally increase the utilization of fodder and led to a high weight gain of Balinese cows.

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