
Andrzej Nikodemowicz whose literary output concentrates mainly around religious works also displayed an interest in avant-garde musical achievements. This can hardly be called a permanent tendency since his fascinations with the „new music” are of a short-lived nature, constituting exclusively an element of satisfying the composer’s curiosity about the dodecaphonic technique and sonoristics. A representative example of these endeavours is the Composizione sonoristica cycle consisting of four pieces for violin, piano and cello and—combining these instruments—Sonorita quasi sonata… The latter, being the topic of the paper—is dominated by sound effects devised by the composer which are accompanied by motifs based on a 12-note scale, numerous clusters and variation processes drawing on neo-classical features. Thanks to this, Nikodemowicz, while making a stylistic synthesis of various epochs, preserves the continuity of his own aesthetics.

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