
<p>目的:探討北部某區域醫院護理人員對出院準備服務知識、態度、行為之相關因素。方法:為橫斷性研究設計,於 2022年 8 月對北部某區域醫院執業滿三個月之臨床護理人員共360位進行結構式問卷調查,包含個人屬性資料、出院準備服務知識量表、服務態度量表、服務行為量表以單因子變異數分析、相關係數與迴歸進行資料分析。結果:護理人員出院準備知識與態度(r = 0.56,p<.001)、態度與行為(r =0.43,p<.001),呈現中度正相關;行為與知識(r = 0.71,p<.001),呈現高度正相關,廻歸分析結果,控制人口學變項後知識總分越高則執行出院準備服務行為也會越高(β=- 0.637,p<.001)且有無執行服務經驗無論在知識、態度及行為均達統計上顯著差異。結論:從此研究的結果中,我們可得知教育訓練的提供及高參與經驗不但對於了解程度及所抱持的態度有顯著的影響,經常執行出院準備服務經驗者其態度較為正向,因此提供給這些護理人員足夠的教育訓練,並且透過教育訓練來培育增加了解程度。</p> <p> </p><p>Objective: Exploring the factors associated with nursing staff’s knowledge, at-titude, and behavior towards discharge planning in a northern regional hospital. Methods: Designed for a cross-sectional study, a structured questionnaire survey was conducted among 360 clinical nurses who had been practicing for three months in a northern regional hospital in August 2022, Data including personal attribute data, discharge planning knowledge scale, attitude scale and behavior scale were analyzed by univariate ANOVA, correlation coefficient and regression. Results: The knowledge and attitude (r = 0.56,p<.001), attitude and behavior (r =0.43,p<.001)of nurses’ discharge preparation showed moderate positive correlation., there was a significant positive correlation between behavior and knowledge (r = 0.71,p<.001 ). The results of regression analysis showed that the higher the total score of knowledge was, the higher the performance of service preparation was (β=- 0.637,p<.001), and there were statistically significant differences in knowledge, attitude and behavior with or without service experience. Conclusion: From the results of this study, we can see that the availability of educational training and high participa-tion experience not only had a significant effect on the level of understanding and attitude, but also the attitude of those who frequently performed discharge planning was more positive, so provide these nursing staff with sufficient education and training, and through education and training to increase the level of understanding.</p> <p> </p>

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