
<p>背景:邊緣性人格疾患是一種以情緒調節失功能為主要臨床特徵的人格疾患,但目前較少有文獻探討該疾患在情緒調節失功能的整體架構。本研究探討情緒敏感度和情緒調節不良可預測邊緣性人格疾患者的負面情緒,以及情緒調節不良在情緒敏感度和負面情緒之間扮演中介角色。材料與方法:參與者31名邊緣性人格疾患者,其中包括女性26名,男性5名,平均年齡33.35歲。所有參與者都完成了邊緣性人格特質問卷、社會覺察推論測驗情的緒評估分測驗、正負向情感量表以及情緒調節困難量表。結果:中介分析表明,有限的情緒調節策略在焦慮情緒敏感度和整體負向情感之間有中介效果,衝動控制困難為焦慮情緒敏感度和緊張不安的中介變項,以及不接受情緒反應中介了嫌惡情緒敏感度和罪惡。結論:本研究的發現有重要的治療意義,即在治療中,如何使該疾患學習具適應性的情緒調節策略、接納自己的情緒、與避免自毀式的衝動行為應被視為介入的首要目的,此外如何降低該疾患對他人情緒表達的敏感度亦可作為治療介入的焦點之一。</p> <p> </p><p>Objective: Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is characterized by negative affect, including hostility, jitters, distress, guilt, and scared. The present study pro-posed that emotion sensitivity and emotional dysregulation predict negative affect in patients with BPD, and that emotional dysregulation mediates the relationship be-tween emotion sensitivity and negative affect. Method: Participants 31 BPD patients include 26 female and 5 male, with average age of 33.35 years old. All participants completed the Borderline Personality Inventory, the Emotion Evaluation Subtest, Positive and Negative Affect Schedule, and Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale. Results: Mediation analysis indicated that limited access to emotion regulation strategies mediated the relationship between anxiety sensitivity and overall negative affect, impulse control difficulties mediated the relationship between anxiety sensi-tivity and jitters, and non-acceptance of emotional responses mediated the relation-ship between aversion sensitivity and guilt. Conclusions: This has significant treat-ment implications, highlighting that learning skills in managing and regulating emo-tions, accepting one’s emotions, and avoiding self-destructive impulse behavior should be targets of intervention. Another implication of this finding is the im-portance of providing intervention to reduce emotion sensitivity in social interac-tions.</p> <p> </p>

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