
Coalescence of drops under externally applied electric field is a significant physical process, which has been applied in many applications such as emulsion breakup, electric dehydration and raindrop formation. The morphological characteristics of two identical adjacent drops under uniform electrical strength were numerically investigated in present study. From the simulated morphologies, the behavior of the meniscus, the major axis, the minor axis, and the cone angle of coalesced drop were analyzed in details. The results indicated that drop coalescence was dependent on the electric field strength, and only below a critical threshold, coalesce occurred. Though variation might occur in lengths of the meniscus, major\minor axis, and size in cone angles, a steady state can always be reached under which electro-coalescence complete. On the other hand, drops failed to coalesce if they could not reach a steady state, and even the coalesced drop rupture due to oversized electric filed strength. Analysis of coalescence behavior of suspended drop pair in viscous liquid under uniform electric field could further promote our understanding on the physical phenomenon of electro-coalescence and provide insight for the design of the electro-coalescers in practical applications.


  • Dispersed drops in viscous liquid may experience complex evolution such as movement, deformation, breakage, coalescence and recoil depending on the electric field strength and fluid properties subject to an externally applied field.[1,2,3] This phenomenon is widely present in liquid/liquid processes of many industrial applications such as emulsion breaking, inkjet printing, coalescence and biochemical processes

  • The two drops separated by a film are brought together due to the electrostatic force between the two spherical drops caused by dipole-dipole interactions

  • If the electrostatic force is larger than surface tension, the drop would be continuously stretched and even rupture at sufficient strong electric field strength

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Dispersed drops in viscous liquid may experience complex evolution such as movement, deformation, breakage, coalescence and recoil depending on the electric field strength and fluid properties subject to an externally applied field.[1,2,3] This phenomenon is widely present in liquid/liquid processes of many industrial applications such as emulsion breaking, inkjet printing, coalescence and biochemical processes. Choi et al[42] numerically investigated the coalescence of two compressed drops adjacent to each other, and provided detailed morphological characteristics when viewing the drops from minor axis, major axis, and the meniscus liquid bridge. Morphological characteristics of the two adjacent drops were recorded and detailed evolution of the electro-coalescence process from perspectives of the minor axis, major axis and meniscus liquid bridge were discussed subject to typical electric field strength. The present study could help better understand the electro-coalescence phenomena in an externally applied electric field

Governing equations for electric field and leaky dielectric model
Physical model and boundary conditions
The mechanism of electro-coalescence
Typical behavior of electro-coalescence
Surface morphology of coalescence
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