
Shot noise power in 3D disordered conductors has been studied by means of numerical simulations. The Anderson model of disordered conductor, Green's function technique and Fisher-Lee relations have been employed to calculate the transmission matrix t, its eigenvalues T n , the conductance G = Tr(tt + ) and the shot noise power S = Tr(t + t) - Tr(t + t) 2 for various degrees of disorder. To explain the results of simulations, Nazarov's microscopic theory describing the correction to the distribution of transmission eigenvalues has been applied. It was found that the crossover from the ballistic to the diffusive region is well described by the relation obtained by random matrix theory. In the weakly localized regime the correction to the shot noise power is different from the 1D result. Namely, S = G/3 + 0.209. At the localization-delocalization transition we have observed S ≅ 0.57G.

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