
Abstract This paper examines the extratropical transition (ET) of Hurricane Floyd along the U.S. East Coast on 16–17 September 1999 using the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University–NCAR Mesoscale Model (MM5) down to 1.33-km horizontal grid spacing. The 36-h MM5 simulation reproduced the basic features of the ET event such as the track of Floyd, the development of a deep and intense baroclinic zone along the coast and its associated precipitation evolution, and the tendency for the heavy (>30 cm) precipitation to fall in a relatively narrow (30–40 km wide) band just inland of the coast; however, the MM5 overpredicted the moderate (10–20 cm) precipitation amounts near the coast by 40%–50% as the horizontal grid spacing was reduced to 1.33 km. The MM5 was used to diagnose the evolution of the enhanced baroclinic zone and associated heavy precipitation to the north of Floyd. A deep layer of deformation frontogenesis extended from the surface to 400 mb as a result of confluence between the southeasterl...

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