
Even though the study and relevance of maximal embedding dimension numerical semigroups arises in a natural way among the other numerical semigroups, they have become specially renowned due to the existing applications to commutative algebra via their associated semigroup ring (see for instance [1, 5, 15, 16, 99, 100]). They are a source of examples of commutative rings with some maximal properties. As we mentioned in the introduction of Chapter 1, this is partially due to the fact that the study of some attributes of an analytically unramified one-dimensional local domains can be performed via their value semigroups. Of particular interest are two subclasses of maximal embedding dimension numerical semigroups, which are those semigroups having the Arf property and saturated numerical semigroups. These two families are related with the problem of resolution of singularities in a curve.

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