
Each saturated (resp., Arf) numerical semigroup S has the property that each of its fractions \(\frac{S}{k}\) is saturated (resp., Arf), but the property of being of maximal embedding dimension (MED) is not stable under formation of fractions. If S is a numerical semigroup, then S is MED (resp., Arf; resp., saturated) if and only if, for each 2≤k∈ℕ, \(S = \frac{T}{k}\) for infinitely many MED (resp., Arf; resp., saturated) numerical semigroups T. Let \(\mathcal{A}\) (resp., \(\mathcal{F}\)) be the class of Arf numerical semigroups (resp., of numerical semigroups each of whose fractions is of maximal embedding dimension). Then there exists an infinite strictly ascending chain \(\mathcal{A} =\mathcal{C}_{1} \subset\mathcal{C}_{2} \subset\mathcal{C}_{3}\subset \,\cdots\, \subset\mathcal{F}\), where, like \(\mathcal{A}\) and \(\mathcal{F}\), each \(\mathcal{C}_{n}\) is stable under the formation of fractions.

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