
This paper describes a numerical inverse method used in temperature-sensitive-paint measurements for quantitative global heat flux diagnostics in hypersonic tunnels. An iterative algorithm is developed to solve the one-dimensional inverse heat transfer problem for unsteady heat flux into a polymer layer (temperature-sensitive paint) on a semi-infinite base, where the temperature dependencies of the thermal properties of materials are taken intoaccount.Surfaceheat fluxdistributionsonconemodelsarecalculatedbyusingthisalgorithmfromtemperaturesensitive-paint images acquired in hypersonic wind tunnel testing. Nomenclature a = thermal diffusivity c = specific heat I = luminescent intensity k = thermal conductivity L = polymer thickness qs = surface heat flux qs� 1D� = surface heat flux obtained by using the onedimensional method T = temperature Tin = initial temperature t = time x, z = coordinates on surface y = coordinate in normal direction to surface

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