
Viscoelastic material behavior is often characterized using one of the three measurements: creep, stress-relaxation or dynamic sinusoidal tests. A two-stage numerical method was developed to allow representation of data from creep and stress-relaxation tests on the Fourier axis in the Laplace domain. The method assumes linear behavior and is theoretically applicable to any transient test which attains an equilibrium state. The first stage numerically resolves the Laplace integral to convert temporal stress and strain data, from creep or stress-relaxation, to the stiffness function, G( s), evaluated on the positive real axis in the Laplace domain. This numerical integration alone allows the direct comparison of data from transient experiments which attain a final equilibrium state, such as creep and stress relaxation, and allows such data to be fitted to models expressed in the Laplace domain. The second stage of this numerical procedure maps the stiffness function, G( s), from the positive real axis to the positive imaginary axis to reveal the harmonic response function, or dynamic stiffness, G( jω). The mapping for each angular frequency, s, is accomplished by fitting a polynomial to a subset of G( s) centered around a particular value of s, substituting js for s and thereby evaluating G( jω). This two-stage transformation circumvents previous numerical difficulties associated with obtaining Fourier transforms of the stress and strain time domain signals. The accuracy of these transforms is verified using model functions from poroelasticity, corresponding to uniaxial confined compression of an isotropic material and uniaxial unconfined compression of a transversely isotropic material. The addition of noise to the model data does not significantly deteriorate the transformed results and data points need not be equally spaced in time. To exemplify its potential utility, this two-stage transform is applied to experimental stress relaxation data to obtain the dynamic stiffness which is then compared to direct measurements of dynamic stiffness using steady-state sinusoidal tests of the same cartilage disk in confined compression. In addition to allowing calculation of the dynamic stiffness from transient tests and the direct comparison of experimental data from different tests, these numerical methods should aid in the experimental analysis of linear and nonlinear material behavior, and increase the speed of curve-fitting routines by fitting creep or stress relaxation data to models expressed in the Laplace domain.

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