
Since 1993, the Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) has lead, in association with Electricité de France (EDF), a R&D study of a neutron personal electronic dosemeter. This dosemeter, called 'Saphydose-N', is manufactured by the SAPHYMO company. This paper presents first the optimisation of some detector components using Monte Carlo calculations, and second the test of the manufactured Saphydose-N under radiation following the IEC 1323 standard's recommendations for active personal neutron dosemeters. The measurements with the manufactured dosemeter were performed on the one hand at PTB (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt) in mono-energetic neutron fields and, on the other hand at IRSN in neutron fields generated by a thermal facility (SIGMA), radionuclide ISO sources and a realistic spectrum (CANEL/T400). The manufactured dosemeter Saphydose-N was also tested during measurement campaigns of the European programme EVIDOS ('Evaluation of Individual Dosimetry in Mixed Neutron and Photon Radiation Fields') at different nuclear workplaces. The study showed that Saphydose-N complies with the recommendations of standard IEC 1323 and can be used at any workplace with no previous knowledge of the neutron field characteristics.

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