
New versions of the Nuclide Guide and the Chart of Nuclides were developed as a result of Russian- Chinese collaboration. The Nuclide Guide contains the basic information on more than 3000 radioactive and stable nuclides. The characteristics of isomers with half-lives more than 1ms are included. For each nuclide spin, parity, mass of nuclide, magnetic moment (if available), mass excess, half-life or abundance, decay modes, branching ratios, emitted particles, energies of most intense gamma-rays and their intensities, decay energies and mean values of radiation energy per decay are given. For stable and natural long-lived nuclides cross-sections of thermal neutron induced activation are indicated. The information presented in the Guide was compiled from 5 sources: 1) ENSDF- 2006, 2) atomic mass evaluation-2003 by Audi and Wapstra, 3) interactive data bases at web-sites www.nndc.bnl.gov, www.nucleide.org, 4) original evaluations of authors, 5) recent publications. The International Chart of Nuclides was developed on the basis of information presented in Nuclide Guide.

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