
A consistent treatment of the relative and intrinsic motion which goes beyond the mean-field approach allows to include the fluctuations of the time-dependent mean field for the intrinsic as well as for the relative motion. Starting with the v. Neumann equation for the total density matrix, we derive a modified equation for the intrinsic many-body density matrix. This equation is used to obtain the quantum kinetic equations for the one-body density matrix and the two-body correlator. In the time-dependent single-particle basis, the occupation numbers change in time due to a collision term originating from residual two-body interactions which account for equilibration, and due to the fluctuations of the external mean field. The relations to TDHF with collision term are discussed. Special attention is paid to the conditions for a diabatic evolution of the single-particle states and to finite size effects which play an important role to make two-body collisions operative in finite nuclei.

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