
A considerable number of experiments is nowadays devoted to the study of nuclei, mainly by using secondary beams produced by high energy fragmentation of heavier nuclei. In these eases mainly the properties of the bound nuclei (usually ground states) are accessible. In the studies persued at the HMI various two-body reactions populating bound and unbound states have been studied using beams of 13C and 14C of typically 24 MeV/nueleon and neutron-rich targets [ 1-3]. The energy spectrum of excited states (resonances) in exotic nuclei is thus obtained and the width of resonances gives an indirect information for the assignment of quantum numbers. We have focussed our attention to the light neutron rich isotopes of He, Li, Be and B. Some of the isotopes for which we have obtained results are marked in Fig. 1. The excitation energy spectra of these nuclei will reflect the particular deviations from the standard shell model which are often discussed in neutron rich nuclei [4-6].

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