An energy tunable synchrotron radiation (SR) source has a high capability to perform the nuclear resonant scattering experiments with various Mossbauer elements. So far, most of studies of nuclear resonant scattering have been conducted by using several isotopes having a Mossbauer level below 50 keV. When the SR source extends over the X-rays of higher energy region, the number of available Mossbauer isotopes increases remarkably. In this view point, the third generation SR facility such as SPring-8 (Hyogo, Japan) is very suitable as the X-ray source for high-energy nuclear resonant scattering experiments. Actually, the standard undulator beamline of SPring-8 can realize a high photon flux even for over 50 keV. It is due to the high electronic acceleration energy of 8.0 GeV. In this paper, we report the nuclear excitation of a gadolinium (Gd) isotope by SR in order to explore the prospective implementability of high energy nuclear resonant scattering using SR. As is shown in Table I, gadolinium is a unique Mossbauer element which has nine nuclear resonance energies in six isotopes, and all observable Mossbauer levels lie in the high energy region over 50 keV [in Table I, 2.18(3) signifies 2:18 0:03 etc.]. As for the four lighter isotopes of Gd, Gd, Gd, and Gd, Europium parent isotopes can be used as the radioactive Mossbauer source. In particular, the Mossbauer level of Gd can also be populated by electron capture (EC) decay of Tb. As for the two heavier isotopes of Gd and Gd, they have no appropriate radioactive parent nuclide. Therefore, the coulomb excitation technique for Gd and Gd or the in-beam Gd(n, ) neutron capture reactions for Gd has been used. In contrast, if the SR is used as a Mossbauer source for Gd, all available Mossbauer levels can be excited selectively by adjusting the incident X-ray energy. In present experiment, we have observed the excitation of the 79.5-keV nuclear level of Gd. The experiments were performed at the JAERI undulator beamline (BL11XU) of SPring-8. The experimental optics is shown in Fig. 1. The electron current of the storage ring was constantly kept up 100mA at 8GeV by the ‘‘top-up’’ operation. The ‘‘84 (4-bunch train)’’ operation mode of the storage ring was used for the measurement. As is shown in the upper left side of Fig. 1, this mode consists of 84 bunch-trains equally separated by a 51.1-ns interval, and each bunch-train is composed of consecutive 4 bunches. The undulator gap was tuned so that the thirteen harmonic of the undulator radiation corresponds to the resonance energy of Gd (79.51 keV). The X-rays from the undulator were monochromatized around the resonance energy of Gd by the liquid-N2-cooled double-crystal Si(333) reflections, 8,9) whose angle had been calibrated precisely by measuring the Sn nuclear resonance energy [23.879478(18) keV] with SnO2 powder. Adding to Si(333) reflection, Si(111) reflection, whose energy is 26.5 keV, also passes through the monochromator. Moreover, the flux intensity is so strong that the Si avalanche photodiode (APD) detector is saturated. Therefore, an Al (thickness is 25mm) absorber was inserted in order to cut the X-rays from Si(111) reflection. With this thickness of Al, the 26.5-keV X-rays were reduced to 0.0043%, while 25.9% of the 79.51-keV X-rays were transmitted. The incident beam was limited to 0:5 2mm with a slit, and was directed to a non-enriched Gd2O3 powder sample. A Si-APD was placed beneath the sample to observe the incoherent nuclear resonant scattering. The APD element (fabricated by Hamamatsu Photonics) had a detection area of 7.1mm (3mm in diameter) and a depletion layer of 30 mm. The X-ray detection efficiency was about 0.15% at 79.51 keV. To find the resonance excitation of Gd, delayed signals after 9 ns from the first prompt incident X-ray pulses were counted. By changing the Bragg angle of Si(333) monochromator, the incident X-ray energy was changed and a resonance peak was searched at room temperature (298K). The result of the energy scan is shown in Fig. 2. The nuclear resonant scattering from Gd was clearly observed, and the average count rate of the resonance peak was 0.4 count/s. Observed delayed counts were normalized with the incident X-ray flux on the sample. From the result of the Gaussian curve fitting, the measured nuclear resonance energy of Gd was evaluated to be Table I. Mossbauer isotope characteristics of gadolinium.
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