
In preparation for biosynthetic studies on the 3,4-dihydroxy-2, 6-dimethyl-5-phenylvaleric acid portion of neoantimycin (1), the 1H and 13C NMR signals of 1 were assigned unambiguously by means of 2D correlation spectroscopy and NOE experiments. The previously undetermined absolute stereochemistry at C-15 and C-16 was deduced as (S) and (S). The structure of isoneoantimycin (2) was also elucidated. The methyl groups of methionine and propionate were incorporated stereospecifically into C-13 and C-12 of 1, respectively, and the configuration of the methyl group of methionine is inverted in the process. The results also suggest the intervention of phenylpyruvate as an actual precursor.

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