
Paramecium aurelia exconjugants contain new macronuclear anlagen and numerous fragments of the old pre-zygotic macronucleus. Macronuclear anlagen develop during the first two cell cycles after conjugation. During this time their volume increases from about 11 μm3 to about 3700 μm3 and more than 10 doublings of DNA content occur. The rate of DNA synthesis is between two and three times as great as in the vegetative macronucleus. — In macronuclear fragments, however, DNA synthesis is suppressed. The rate of DNA synthesis in macronuclear fragments during the extended first cell cycle after conjugation (11 1/2 hr. vs. 5 1/2 hr. for the vegetative cell cycle) is only about one-third of the rate in vegetative macronuclei and there is only a 65% increase in the mean DNA content of fragments. The rate of fragment DNA synthesis continues to decrease during each of the subsequent two cell cycles. — Unlike the rate of DNA synthesis, the rate of RNA synthesis per unit of DNA is similar in macronuclear anlagen, macronuclear fragments and fully developed macronuclei. Macronuclear fragments continue to synthesize RNA at the normal rate long after the new macronuclei are fully developed. Fragments contribute about 80% of all RNA synthesized during the first two cell cycles after conjugation. RNA synthesis begins very early in the development of macronuclear anlagen and nucleolar material appears during the first half-hour of anlage development. — Chromosome-like structures were never observed during anlage development and there was no evidence of two periods of DNA synthesis separated by a “DNA poor” stage as has been observed in several hypotrichous Ciliates.

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